Deploying a smart contract to a channel

End users interact with the blockchain ledger by invoking smart contracts. In Hyperledger Fabric, smart contracts are deployed in packages referred to as chaincode. Organizations that want to validate transactions or query the ledger need to install a chaincode on their peers. After a chaincode has been installed on the peers joined to a channel, channel members can deploy the chaincode to the channel and use the smart contracts in the chaincode to create or update assets on the channel ledger.

A chaincode is deployed to a channel using a process known as the Fabric chaincode lifecycle. The Fabric chaincode lifecycle allows multiple organizations to agree how a chaincode will be operated before it can be used to create transactions. For example, while an endorsement policy specifies which organizations need to execute a chaincode to validate a transaction, channel members need to use the Fabric chaincode lifecycle to agree on the chaincode endorsement policy. For a more in depth overview about how to deploy and manage a chaincode on a channel, see Fabric chaincode lifecyle.

You can use this tutorial to learn how to use the peer lifecycle chaincode commands to deploy a chaincode to a channel of the Fabric test network. Once you have an understanding of the commands, you can use the steps in this tutorial to deploy your own chaincode to the test network, or to deploy chaincode to a production network. In this tutorial, you will deploy the Fabcar chaincode that is used by the Writing your first application tutorial.

Note: These instructions use the Fabric chaincode lifecycle introduced in the v2.0 release. If you would like to use the previous lifecycle to install and instantiate a chaincode, visit the v1.4 version of the Fabric documentation.

Start the network

We will start by deploying an instance of the Fabric test network. Before you begin, make sure that that you have installed the Prerequisites and Installed the Samples, Binaries and Docker Images. Use the following command to navigate to the test network directory within your local clone of the fabric-samples repository:

cd fabric-samples/test-network

For the sake of this tutorial, we want to operate from a known initial state. The following command will kill any active or stale docker containers and remove previously generated artifacts.

./ down

You can then use the following command to start the test network:

./ up createChannel

The createChannel command creates a channel named mychannel with two channel members, Org1 and Org2. The command also joins a peer that belongs to each organization to the channel. If the network and the channel are created successfully, you can see the following message printed in the logs:

========= Channel successfully joined ===========

We can now use the Peer CLI to deploy the Fabcar chaincode to the channel using the following steps:

Setup Logspout (optional)

This step is not required, but is extremely useful for troubleshooting chaincode. To monitor the logs of the smart contract, an administrator can view the aggregated output from a set of Docker containers using the logspout tool. The tool collects the output streams from different Docker containers into one place, making it easy to see what’s happening from a single window. This can help administrators debug problems when they install smart contracts or developers when they invoke smart contracts. Because some containers are created purely for the purposes of starting a smart contract and only exist for a short time, it is helpful to collect all of the logs from your network.

A script to install and configure Logspout,, is already included in the commercial-paper sample in the Fabric samples. We will use the same script in this tutorial as well. The Logspout tool will continuously stream logs to your terminal, so you will need to use a new terminal window. Open a new terminal and navigate to the test-network directory.

cd fabric-samples/test-network

You can run the script from any directory. For ease of use, we will copy the script from the commercial-paper sample to your working directory

cp ../commercial-paper/organization/digibank/configuration/cli/ .
# if you're not sure where it is
find . -name

You can then start Logspout by running the following command:

./ net_test

You should see output similar to the following:

Starting monitoring on all containers on the network net_basic
Unable to find image 'gliderlabs/logspout:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from gliderlabs/logspout
4fe2ade4980c: Pull complete
decca452f519: Pull complete
ad60f6b6c009: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:374e06b17b004bddc5445525796b5f7adb8234d64c5c5d663095fccafb6e4c26
Status: Downloaded newer image for gliderlabs/logspout:latest

You will not see any logs at first, but this will change when we deploy our chaincode. It can be helpful to make this terminal window wide and the font small.

Package the smart contract

We need to package the chaincode before it can be installed on our peers. The steps are different if you want to install a smart contract written in Go, Java, or JavaScript.


Before we package the chaincode, we need to install the chaincode dependences. Navigate to the folder that contains the Go version of the Fabcar chaincode.

cd fabric-samples/chaincode/fabcar/go

The sample uses a Go module to install the chaincode dependencies. The dependencies are listed in a go.mod file in the fabcar/go directory. You should take a moment to examine this file.

$ cat go.mod

go 1.13

require v0.0.0-20191118113407-4c6ff12b4f96

The go.mod file imports the Fabric contract API into the smart contract package. You can open fabcar.go in a text editor to see how the contract API is used to define the SmartContract type at the beginning of the smart contract:

// SmartContract provides functions for managing a car
type SmartContract struct {

The SmartContract type is then used to create the transaction context for the functions defined within the smart contract that read and write data to the blockchain ledger.

// CreateCar adds a new car to the world state with given details
func (s *SmartContract) CreateCar(ctx contractapi.TransactionContextInterface, carNumber string, make string, model string, colour string, owner string) error {
    car := Car{
        Make:   make,
        Model:  model,
        Colour: colour,
        Owner:  owner,

    carAsBytes, _ := json.Marshal(car)

    return ctx.GetStub().PutState(carNumber, carAsBytes)

You can learn more about the Go contract API by visiting the API documentation and the smart contract processing topic.

To install the smart contract dependencies, run the following command from the fabcar/go directory.

GO111MODULE=on go mod vendor

If the command is successful, the go packages will be installed inside a vendor folder.

Now that we that have our dependences, we can create the chaincode package. Navigate back to our working directory in the test-network folder so that we can package the chaincode together with our other network artifacts.

cd ../../../test-network

You can use the peer CLI to create a chaincode package in the required format. The peer binaries are located in the bin folder of the fabric-samples repository. Use the following command to add those binaries to your CLI Path:

export PATH=${PWD}/../bin:${PWD}:$PATH

You also need to set the FABRIC_CFG_PATH to point to the core.yaml file in the fabric-samples repository:

export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=$PWD/../config/

To confirm that you are able to use the peer CLI, check the version of the binaries. The binaries need to be version 2.0.0 or later to run this tutorial.

peer version

You also need to set the CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH to the location of the MSP folder of an admin or client user. Run the following command to establish the Org1 admin as the identity we’re using.

export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/

You can now create the chaincode package using the peer lifecycle chaincode package command:

peer lifecycle chaincode package fabcar.tar.gz --path ../chaincode/fabcar/go/ --lang golang --label fabcar_1

This command will create a package named fabcar.tar.gz in your current directory. The --lang flag is used to specify the chaincode language and the --path flag provides the location of your smart contract code. The --label flag is used to specify a chaincode label that will identity your chaincode after it is installed. It is recommended that your label include the chaincode name and version.

Now that we created the chaincode package, we can install the chaincode on the peers of the test network.


Before we package the chaincode, we need to install the chaincode dependences. Navigate to the folder that contains the JavaScript version of the Fabcar chaincode.

cd fabric-samples/chaincode/fabcar/javascript

The dependencies are listed in the package.json file in the fabcar/javascript directory. You should take a moment to examine this file. You can find the dependences section displayed below:

"dependencies": {
        "fabric-contract-api": "^2.0.0",
        "fabric-shim": "^2.0.0"

The package.json file imports the Fabric contract class into the smart contract package. You can open lib/fabcar.js in a text editor to see the contract class imported into the smart contract and used to create the FabCar class.

const { Contract } = require('fabric-contract-api');

class FabCar extends Contract {

The FabCar class provides the transaction context for the functions defined within the smart contract that read and write data to the blockchain ledger.

async createCar(ctx, carNumber, make, model, color, owner) {'============= START : Create Car ===========');

    const car = {
        docType: 'car',

    await ctx.stub.putState(carNumber, Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(car)));'============= END : Create Car ===========');

You can learn more about the JavaScript contract API by visiting the API documentation and the smart contract processing topic.

To install the smart contract dependencies, run the following command from the fabcar/javascript directory.

npm install

If the command is successful, the JavaScript packages will be installed inside a npm_modules folder.

Now that we that have our dependences, we can create the chaincode package. Navigate back to our working directory in the test-network folder so that we can package the chaincode together with our other network artifacts.

cd ../../../test-network

You can use the peer CLI to create a chaincode package in the required format. The peer binaries are located in the bin folder of the fabric-samples repository. Use the following command to add those binaries to your CLI Path:

export PATH=${PWD}/../bin:${PWD}:$PATH

You also need to set the FABRIC_CFG_PATH to point to the core.yaml file in the fabric-samples repository:

export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=$PWD/../config/

To confirm that you are able to use the peer CLI, check the version of the binaries. The binaries need to be version 2.0.0 or later to run this tutorial.

peer version

You also need to set the CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH to the location of the MSP folder of an admin or client user. Run the following command to establish the Org1 admin as the identity we’re using.

export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/

You can now create the chaincode package using the peer lifecycle chaincode package command:

peer lifecycle chaincode package fabcar.tar.gz --path ../chaincode/fabcar/javascript/ --lang node --label fabcar_1

This command will create a package named fabcar.tar.gz in your current directory. The --lang flag is used to specify the chaincode language and the --path flag provides the location of your smart contract code. The --label flag is used to specify a chaincode label that will identity your chaincode after it is installed. It is recommended that your label include the chaincode name and version.

Now that we created the chaincode package, we can install the chaincode on the peers of the test network.


Before we package the chaincode, we need to install the chaincode dependences. Navigate to the folder that contains the Java version of the Fabcar chaincode.

cd fabric-samples/chaincode/fabcar/java

The sample uses Gradle to install the chaincode dependencies. The dependencies are listed in the build.gradle file in the fabcar/java directory. You should take a moment to examine this file. You can find the dependences section displayed below:

dependencies {
    compileOnly 'org.hyperledger.fabric-chaincode-java:fabric-chaincode-shim:2.0.+'
    implementation 'com.owlike:genson:1.5'
    testImplementation 'org.hyperledger.fabric-chaincode-java:fabric-chaincode-shim:2.0.+'
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:5.4.2'
    testImplementation 'org.assertj:assertj-core:3.11.1'
    testImplementation 'org.mockito:mockito-core:2.+'

The build.gradle file imports the Java chaincode shim into the smart contract package, which includes the contract class. You can find Fabcar smart contract in the src directory. You can navigate to the file and open it in a text editor to see how the contract class is used to create the transaction context for the functions defined that read and write data to the blockchain ledger.

You can learn more about the Java chaincode shim and the contract class by visiting the Java chaincode documentation and the smart contract processing topic.

To install the smart contract dependencies, run the following command from the fabcar/java directory.

./gradlew installDist

If the command is successful, you will be able to find the built smart contract in the build folder.

Now that we have installed the dependences and built the smart contract, we can create the chaincode package. Navigate back to our working directory in the test-network folder so that we can package the chaincode together with our other network artifacts.

cd ../../../test-network

You can use the peer CLI to create a chaincode package in the required format. The peer binaries are located in the bin folder of the fabric-samples repository. Use the following command to add those binaries to your CLI Path:

export PATH=${PWD}/../bin:${PWD}:$PATH

You also need to set the FABRIC_CFG_PATH to point to the core.yaml file in the fabric-samples repository:

export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=$PWD/../config/

To confirm that you are able to use the peer CLI, check the version of the binaries. The binaries need to be version 2.0.0 or later to run this tutorial.

peer version

You also need to set the CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH to the location of the MSP folder of an admin or client user. Run the following command to establish the Org1 admin as the identity we’re using.

export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/

You can now create the chaincode package using the peer lifecycle chaincode package command:

peer lifecycle chaincode package fabcar.tar.gz --path ../chaincode/fabcar/java/build/install/fabcar --lang java --label fabcar_1

This command will create a package named fabcar.tar.gz in your current directory. The --lang flag is used to specify the chaincode language and the --path flag provides the location of your smart contract code. The --label flag is used to specify a chaincode label that will identity your chaincode after it is installed. It is recommended that your label include the chaincode name and version.

Now that we created the chaincode package, we can install the chaincode on the peers of the test network.

Install the chaincode package

After we package the Fabcar smart contract, we can install the chaincode on our peers. The chaincode needs to be installed on every peer that will endorse a transaction. Because we are going to set the endorsement policy to require endorsements from both Org1 and Org2, we need to install the chaincode on the peers operated by both organizations:


Let’s install the chaincode on the Org1 peer first. Set the following environment variables to operate the peer CLI as the Org1 admin user. The CORE_PEER_ADDRESS will be set to point to the Org1 peer,

export CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/
export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/
export CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=localhost:7051

Issue the peer lifecycle chaincode install command to install the chaincode on the peer:

peer lifecycle chaincode install fabcar.tar.gz

If the command is successful, the peer will generate and return the package identifier. This package ID will be used to approve the chaincode in the next step. You should see output similar to the following:

2020-02-12 11:40:02.923 EST [cli.lifecycle.chaincode] submitInstallProposal -> INFO 001 Installed remotely: response:<status:200 payload:"\nIfabcar_1:69de748301770f6ef64b42aa6bb6cb291df20aa39542c3ef94008615704007f3\022\010fabcar_1" >
2020-02-12 11:40:02.925 EST [cli.lifecycle.chaincode] submitInstallProposal -> INFO 002 Chaincode code package identifier: fabcar_1:69de748301770f6ef64b42aa6bb6cb291df20aa39542c3ef94008615704007f3

We can now install the chaincode on the Org2 peer. Set the following environment variables to operate as the Org2 admin and target target the Org2 peer,

export CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/
export CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/
export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/
export CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=localhost:9051

Issue the following command to install the chaincode:

peer lifecycle chaincode install fabcar.tar.gz

The chaincode is built by the peer when the chaicode is installed. The install command will return any build errors from the chaincode if there is a problem with the smart contract code.

Approve a chaincode definition

After you install the chaincode package, you need to approve a chaincode definition for your organization. The definition includes the important parameters of chaincode governance such as the name, version, and the chaincode endorsement policy.

The set of channel members who need to approve a chaincode before it can be deployed is governed by the Application/Channel/lifeycleEndorsement policy. By default, this policy requires that a majority of channel members need to approve a chaincode before it can used on a channel. Because we have only two organizations on the channel, and a majority of 2 is 2, we need approve a chaincode definition of Fabcar as Org1 and Org2.

If an organization has installed the chaincode on their peer, they need to include the packageID in the chaincode definition approved by their organization. The package ID is used to associate the chaincode installed on a peer with an approved chaincode definition, and allows an organization to use the chaincode to endorse transactions. You can find the package ID of a chaincode by using the peer lifecycle chaincode queryinstalled command to query your peer.

peer lifecycle chaincode queryinstalled

The package ID is the combination of the chaincode label and a hash of the chaincode binaries. Every peer will generate the same package ID. You should see output similar to the following:

Installed chaincodes on peer:
Package ID: fabcar_1:69de748301770f6ef64b42aa6bb6cb291df20aa39542c3ef94008615704007f3, Label: fabcar_1

We are going to use the package ID when we approve the chaincode, so let’s go ahead and save it as an environment variable. Paste the package ID returned by peer lifecycle chaincode queryinstalled into the command below. The package ID may not be the same for all users, so you need to complete this step using the package ID returned from your command window.


Because the environment variables have been set to operate the peer CLI as the Org2 admin, we can approve the chaincode definition of Fabcar as Org2. Chaincode is approved at the organization level, so the command only needs to target one peer. The approval is distributed to the other peers within the organization using gossip. Approve the chaincode definition using the peer lifecycle chaincode approveformyorg command:

peer lifecycle chaincode approveformyorg -o localhost:7050 --ordererTLSHostnameOverride --channelID mychannel --name fabcar --version 1.0 --init-required --package-id $CC_PACKAGE_ID --sequence 1 --tls true --cafile ${PWD}/organizations/ordererOrganizations/

The command above uses the --package-id flag to include the package identifier in the chaincode definition. The --sequence parameter is an integer that keeps track of the number of times a chaincode has been defined or updated. Because the chaincode is being deployed to the channel for the first time, the sequence number is 1. When the Fabcar chaincode is upgraded, the sequence number will be incremented to 2. The command also uses the --init-required flag to request that Init function be invoked to initialize the chaincode, before other functions can be used to interact with the ledger. By default, the Init function does not need to be executed. You do not need to request that the Init function be invoked to initialize your chaincode. Because the Fabcar chaincode uses the Fabric contract API, we can initialize the chaincode by calling any function in the chaincode and the Init function will be called in the background.

We could have provided a --signature-policy or --channel-config-policy argument to the approveformyorg command to specify a chaincode endorsement policy. The endorsement policy specifies how many peers belonging to different channel members need to validate a transaction against a given chaincode. Because we did not set a policy, the definition of Fabcar will use the default endorsement policy, which requires that a transaction be endorsed by a majority of channel members present when the transaction is submitted. This implies that if new organizations are added or removed from the channel, the endorsement policy is updated automatically to require more or fewer endorsements. In this tutorial, the default policy will require a majority of 2 out of 2 and transactions will need to be endorsed by a peer from Org1 and Org2. If you want to specify a custom endorsement policy, you can use the Endorsement Policies operations guide to learn about the policy syntax.

You need to approve a chaincode definition with an identity that has an admin role. As a result, the CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH variable needs to point to the MSP folder that contains an admin identity. You cannot approve a chaincode definition with a client user. The approval needs to be submitted to the ordering service, which will validate the admin signature and then distribute the approval to your peers.

We still need to approve the chaincode definition as Org1. Set the following environment variables to operate as the Org1 admin:


You can now approve the chaincode definition as Org1.

peer lifecycle chaincode approveformyorg -o localhost:7050 --ordererTLSHostnameOverride --channelID mychannel --name fabcar --version 1.0 --init-required --package-id $CC_PACKAGE_ID --sequence 1 --tls true --cafile ${PWD}/organizations/ordererOrganizations/

We now have the majority we need to deploy the Fabcar the chaincode to the channel. While only a majority of organizations need to approve a chaincode definition (with the default policies), all organizations need to approve a chaincode definition to start the chaincode on their peers. If you commit the definition before a channel member has approved the chaincode, the organization will not be able to endorse transactions. As a result, it is recommended that all channel members approve a chaincode before committing the chaincode definition.

Committing the chaincode definition to the channel

After a sufficient number of organizations have approved a chaincode definition, one organization can commit the chaincode definition to the channel. If a majority of channel members have approved the definition, the commit transaction will be successful and the parameters agreed to in the chaincode definition will be implemented on the channel.

You can use the peer lifecycle chaincode checkcommitreadiness command to check whether channel members have approved the same chaincode definition. The flags used for the checkcommitreadiness command are identical to the flags used to approve a chaincode for your organization. However, you do not need to include the --package-id flag.

peer lifecycle chaincode checkcommitreadiness --channelID mychannel --name fabcar --version 1.0 --init-required --sequence 1 --tls true --cafile ${PWD}/organizations/ordererOrganizations/ --output json

The command will produce a JSON map that displays if a channel member has approved the parameters that were specified in the checkcommitreadiness command:

            "Approvals": {
                    "Org1MSP": true,
                    "Org2MSP": true

Since both organizations that are members of the channel have approved the same parameters, the chaincode definition is ready to be committed to the channel. You can use the peer lifecycle chaincode commit command to commit the chaincode definition to the channel. The commit command also needs to be submitted by an organization admin.

peer lifecycle chaincode commit -o localhost:7050 --ordererTLSHostnameOverride --channelID mychannel --name fabcar --version 1.0 --sequence 1 --init-required --tls true --cafile ${PWD}/organizations/ordererOrganizations/ --peerAddresses localhost:7051 --tlsRootCertFiles ${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/ --peerAddresses localhost:9051 --tlsRootCertFiles ${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/

The transaction above uses the --peerAddresses flag to target from Org1 and from Org2. The commit transaction is submitted to the peers joined to the channel to query the chaincode definition that was approved by the organization that operates the peer. The command needs to target the peers from a sufficient number of organizations to satisfy the policy for deploying a chaincode. Because the approval is distributed within each organization, you can target any peer that belongs to a channel member.

The chaincode definition endorsements by channel members are submitted to the ordering service to be added to a block and distributed to the channel. The peers on the channel then validate whether a sufficient number of organizations have approved the chaincode definition. The peer lifecycle chaincode commit command will wait for the validations from the peer before returning a response.

You can use the peer lifecycle chaincode querycommitted command to confirm that the chaincode definition has been committed to the channel.

peer lifecycle chaincode querycommitted --channelID mychannel --name fabcar --cafile ${PWD}/organizations/ordererOrganizations/

If the chaincode was successful committed to the channel, the querycommitted command will return the sequence and version of the chaincode definition:

Committed chaincode definition for chaincode 'fabcar' on channel 'mychannel':
Version: 1, Sequence: 1, Endorsement Plugin: escc, Validation Plugin: vscc, Approvals: [Org1MSP: true, Org2MSP: true]

Invoking the chaincode

After the chaincode definition has been committed to a channel, the chaincode will start on the peers joined to the channel where the chaincode was installed. The Fabcar chaincode is now ready to be invoked by client applications. Use the following command create an initial set of cars on the ledger. Note that the invoke command needs target a sufficient number of peers to meet chaincode endorsement policy.

peer chaincode invoke -o localhost:7050 --ordererTLSHostnameOverride --tls true --cafile ${PWD}/organizations/ordererOrganizations/ -C mychannel -n fabcar --peerAddresses localhost:7051 --tlsRootCertFiles ${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/ --peerAddresses localhost:9051 --tlsRootCertFiles ${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/ --isInit -c '{"function":"InitLedger","Args":[]}'

If the command is successful, you should be able to a response similar to the following:

2020-02-12 18:22:20.576 EST [chaincodeCmd] chaincodeInvokeOrQuery -> INFO 001 Chaincode invoke successful. result: status:200

Because we included the --init-required flag in the chaincode definition, the first transaction needs to initialize the chaincode by passing the --isInit flag to the invoke command. Because the Fabcar smart contract uses Fabric contract API, the first transaction can target any function in the chaincode. If we were using the low level APIs provided by the Fabric Chaincode Shim API, the transaction would need to target the Init function. The first invoke of the chaincode, whether of Init or another function, is subject to the chaincode endorsement policy.

We can use a query function to read the set of cars that were created by the chaincode:

peer chaincode query -C mychannel -n fabcar -c '{"Args":["queryAllCars"]}'

The response to the query should be the following list of cars:

{"Key":"CAR2","Record":{"make":"Hyundai","model":"Tucson","colour":"green","owner":"Jin Soo"}},

Clean up

When you are finished using the chaincode, you can also use the following commands to remove the Logspout tool.

docker stop logspout
docker rm logspout

You can then bring down the test network by issuing the following command from the test-network directory:

./ down

Next steps

After you write your smart contract and deploy it to a channel, you can use the APIs provided by the Fabric SDKs to invoke the smart contracts from a client application. This allows end users to interact with the assets on the blockchain ledger. To get started with the Fabric SDKs, see the Writing Your first application tutorial.