Upgrading Your Network Components


When we use the term “upgrade” in this documentation, we’re primarily referring to changing the version of a component (for example, going from a v1.1 binary to a v1.2 binary). The term “update,” on the other hand, refers not to versions but to configuration changes, such as updating a channel configuration or a deployment script.


Because the Building Your First Network (BYFN) tutorial defaults to the “latest” binaries, if you have run it since the release of v1.2, your machine will have v1.2 binaries and tools installed on it and you will not be able to upgrade them.

As a result, this tutorial will provide a network based on Hyperledger Fabric v1.1 binaries as well as the v1.2 binaries you will be upgrading to. In addition, we will show how to update channel configurations to the new v1.2 capability that will allows peers to properly handle private data and Access Control Lists (ACL). For more information about capabilities, check out our Capability Requirements documentation.


If your network is not yet at Fabric v1.1, follow the instructions for Upgrading Your Network to v1.1. The instructions in this documentation only cover moving from v1.1 to v1.2, not from any other version to v1.2.

Because BYFN does not support the following components, our script for upgrading BYFN will not cover them:

  • Fabric CA
  • Kafka
  • CouchDB
  • SDK

The process for upgrading these components — if necesary — will be covered in a section following the tutorial.

At a high level, our upgrade tutorial will perform the following steps:

  1. Back up the ledger and MSPs.
  2. Upgrade the orderer binaries to Fabric v1.2.
  3. Upgrade the peer binaries to Fabric v1.2.
  4. Enable the new v1.2 capability.


In production environments, the orderers and peers can simultaneously be upgraded on a rolling basis. In other words, you can upgrade the binaries in any order, without bringing down the network. Because BYFN uses a “SOLO” ordering service (one orderer), our script brings down the entire network. But this is not necessary in a production environment.

However, it is important to make sure that enabling capabilities will not create issues with the versions of orderers and peers that are currently running. For v1.2, the new capability is in the application group, which governs peer related functionalities, and as a result does not conflict with the ordering service.

This tutorial will demonstrate how to perform each of these steps individually with CLI commands.


If you haven’t already done so, ensure you have all of the dependencies on your machine as described in Prerequisites.

Launch a v1.1 network

To begin, we will provision a basic network running Fabric v1.1 images. This network will consist of two organizations, each maintaining two peer nodes, and a “solo” ordering service.

We will be operating from the first-network subdirectory within your local clone of fabric-samples. Change into that directory now. You will also want to open a few extra terminals for ease of use.

Clean up

We want to operate from a known state, so we will use the byfn.sh script to initially tidy up. This command will kill any active or stale docker containers and remove any previously generated artifacts. Run the following command:

./byfn.sh down

Generate the crypto and bring up the network

With a clean environment, launch our v1.1 BYFN network using these four commands:

git fetch origin

git checkout v1.1.0

./byfn.sh generate

./byfn.sh up -t 3000 -i 1.1.0


If you have locally built v1.1 images, then they will be used by the example. If you get errors, please consider cleaning up your locally build v1.1 images and running the example again. This will download v1.1 images from docker hub.

If BYFN has launched properly, you will see:

===================== All GOOD, BYFN execution completed =====================

We are now ready to upgrade our network to Hyperledger Fabric v1.2.

Get the newest samples


The instructions below pertain to whatever is the most recently published version of v1.2.x. Please substitute 1.2.x with the version identifier of the published release that you are testing. In other words, replace ‘1.2.x’ with ‘1.2.0’ if you are testing the first release candidate.

Before completing the rest of the tutorial, it’s important to get the v1.2.x version of the samples, you can do this by:

git fetch origin

git checkout v1.2.x

Want to upgrade now?

We have a script that will upgrade all of the components in BYFN as well as enabling capabilities. If you are running a production network, or are an administrator of some part of a network, this script can serve as a template for performing your own upgrades.

Afterwards, we will walk you through the steps in the script and describe what each piece of code is doing in the upgrade process.

To run the script, issue these commands:

# Note, replace '1.2.x' with a specific version, for example '1.2.0'.
# Don't pass the image flag '-i 1.2.x' if you prefer to default to 'latest' images.

./byfn.sh upgrade -i 1.2.x

If the upgrade is successful, you should see the following:

===================== All GOOD, End-2-End UPGRADE Scenario execution completed =====================

if you want to upgrade the network manually, simply run ./byfn.sh down again and perform the steps up to — but not including — ./byfn.sh upgrade -i 1.2.x. Then proceed to the next section.


Many of the commands you’ll run in this section will not result in any output. In general, assume no output is good output.

Upgrade the orderer containers

Orderer containers should be upgraded in a rolling fashion (one at a time). At a high level, the orderer upgrade process goes as follows:

  1. Stop the orderer.
  2. Back up the orderer’s ledger and MSP.
  3. Restart the orderer with the latest images.
  4. Verify upgrade completion.

As a consequence of leveraging BYFN, we have a solo orderer setup, therefore, we will only perform this process once. In a Kafka setup, however, this process will have to be performed for each orderer.


This tutorial uses a docker deployment. For native deployments, replace the file orderer with the one from the release artifacts. Backup the orderer.yaml and replace it with the orderer.yaml file from the release artifacts. Then port any modified variables from the backed up orderer.yaml to the new one. Utilizing a utility like diff may be helpful. There are no new orderer.yaml configuration parameters in v1.2, but it is still best practice to port changes into the new config file as part of an upgrade process.

Let’s begin the upgrade process by bringing down the orderer:

docker stop orderer.example.com

export LEDGERS_BACKUP=./ledgers-backup

# Note, replace '1.2.x' with a specific version, for example '1.2.0'.
# Set IMAGE_TAG to 'latest' if you prefer to default to the images tagged 'latest' on your system.

export IMAGE_TAG=$(go env GOARCH)-1.2.0-stable

We have created a variable for a directory to put file backups into, and exported the IMAGE_TAG we’d like to move to.

Once the orderer is down, you’ll want to backup its ledger and MSP:


docker cp orderer.example.com:/var/hyperledger/production/orderer/ ./$LEDGERS_BACKUP/orderer.example.com

In a production network this process would be repeated for each of the Kafka-based orderers in a rolling fashion.

Now download and restart the orderer with our new fabric image:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-cli.yaml up -d --no-deps orderer.example.com

Because our sample uses a “solo” ordering service, there are no other orderers in the network that the restarted orderer must sync up to. However, in a production network leveraging Kafka, it will be a best practice to issue peer channel fetch <blocknumber> after restarting the orderer to verify that it has caught up to the other orderers.

Upgrade the peer containers

Next, let’s look at how to upgrade peer containers to Fabric v1.2. Peer containers should, like the orderers, be upgraded in a rolling fashion (one at a time). As mentioned during the orderer upgrade, orderers and peers may be upgraded in parallel, but for the purposes of this tutorial we’ve separated the processes out. At a high level, we will perform the following steps:

  1. Stop the peer.
  2. Back up the peer’s ledger and MSP.
  3. Remove chaincode containers and images.
  4. Restart the peer with latest image.
  5. Verify upgrade completion.

We have four peers running in our network. We will perform this process once for each peer, totaling four upgrades.


Again, this tutorial utilizes a docker deployment. For native deployments, replace the file peer with the one from the release artifacts. Backup your core.yaml and replace it with the one from the release artifacts. Port any modified variables from the backed up core.yaml to the new one. Utilizing a utility like diff may be helpful.

Let’s bring down the first peer with the following command:

export PEER=peer0.org1.example.com

docker stop $PEER

We can then backup the peer’s ledger and MSP:


docker cp $PEER:/var/hyperledger/production ./$LEDGERS_BACKUP/$PEER

With the peer stopped and the ledger backed up, remove the peer chaincode containers:

CC_CONTAINERS=$(docker ps | grep dev-$PEER | awk '{print $1}')
if [ -n "$CC_CONTAINERS" ] ; then docker rm -f $CC_CONTAINERS ; fi

And the peer chaincode images:

CC_IMAGES=$(docker images | grep dev-$PEER | awk '{print $1}')
if [ -n "$CC_IMAGES" ] ; then docker rmi -f $CC_IMAGES ; fi

Now we’ll re-launch the peer using the v1.2 image tag:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-cli.yaml up -d --no-deps $PEER


Although, BYFN supports using CouchDB, we opted for a simpler implementation in this tutorial. If you are using CouchDB, however, issue this command instead of the one above:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-cli.yaml -f docker-compose-couch.yaml up -d --no-deps $PEER


You do not need to relaunch the chaincode container. When the peer gets a request for a chaincode, (invoke or query), it first checks if it has a copy of that chaincode running. If so, it uses it. Otherwise, as in this case, the peer launches the chaincode (rebuilding the image if required).

Verify upgrade completion

We’ve completed the upgrade for our first peer, but before we move on let’s check to ensure the upgrade has been completed properly with a chaincode invoke. Let’s move 10 from a to b using these commands:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-cli.yaml up -d --no-deps cli

docker exec -it cli bash

peer chaincode invoke -o orderer.example.com:7050  --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.example.com-cert.pem  -C mychannel -n mycc -c '{"Args":["invoke","a","b","10"]}'

Our query earlier revealed a to have a value of 90 and we have just removed 10 with our invoke. Therefore, a query against a should reveal 80. Let’s see:

peer chaincode query -C mychannel -n mycc -c '{"Args":["query","a"]}'

We should see the following:

Query Result: 80

After verifying the peer was upgraded correctly, make sure to issue an exit to leave the container before continuing to upgrade your peers. You can do this by repeating the process above with a different peer name exported.

export PEER=peer1.org1.example.com
export PEER=peer0.org2.example.com
export PEER=peer1.org2.example.com


All peers must be upgraded BEFORE enabling the v1.2 capability.

Enable the new v1.2 capability

Although Fabric binaries can and should be upgraded in a rolling fashion, it is important to finish upgrading binaries before enabling capabilities. Any peers not upgraded to v1.2 before the new capability is enabled may intentionally crash to indicate a potential misconfiguration which might result in a state forl. If orderers are not upgraded to v1.2, they will not crash, nor will state forks be created (unlike the upgrade from v1.0.x to v1.1). Nevertheless, it remains a best practice to upgrade all peer and orderer binaries to v1.2 prior to enabling the new capability.

Once a capability has been enabled, it becomes part of the permanent record for that channel. This means that even after disabling the capability, old binaries will not be able to participate in the channel because they cannot process beyond the block which enabled the capability to get to the block which disables it. As a result, once a capability has been enabled, disabling it is not recommended or supported.

For this reason, think of enabling channel capabilities as a point of no return. Please experiment with the new capabilities in a test setting and be confident before proceeding to enable them in production.

Capabilities are enabled through a channel configuration transaction. For more information on updating channel configs, check out Adding an Org to a Channel or the doc on Updating a Channel Configuration.

The new capability for v1.2 is in the Application channel group (which affects peer network behavior, such as how transactions are handled by the peer). As with any channel config update, we will have to follow this process:

  1. Get the latest channel config
  2. Create a modified channel config
  3. Create a config update transaction

Get into the cli container by reissuing docker exec -it cli bash.

Application group

To change the configuration of the application group, set the environment variables as Org1:

export CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/peers/peer0.org1.example.com/tls/ca.crt
export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/users/Admin@org1.example.com/msp
export CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0.org1.example.com:7051
export ORDERER_CA=/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.example.com-cert.pem
export CH_NAME="mychannel"

Next, get the latest channel config:

peer channel fetch config config_block.pb -o orderer.example.com:7050 -c $CH_NAME --tls --cafile $ORDERER_CA

configtxlator proto_decode --input config_block.pb --type common.Block --output config_block.json

jq .data.data[0].payload.data.config config_block.json > config.json

Create a modified channel config:

jq -s '.[0] * {"channel_group":{"groups":{"Application": {"values": {"Capabilities": .[1]}}}}}' config.json ./scripts/capabilities.json > modified_config.json

Note what we’re changing here: Capabilities are being added as a value of the Application group under channel_group (in mychannel).

Create a config update transaction:

configtxlator proto_encode --input config.json --type common.Config --output config.pb

configtxlator proto_encode --input modified_config.json --type common.Config --output modified_config.pb

configtxlator compute_update --channel_id $CH_NAME --original config.pb --updated modified_config.pb --output config_update.pb

Package the config update into a transaction:

configtxlator proto_decode --input config_update.pb --type common.ConfigUpdate --output config_update.json

echo '{"payload":{"header":{"channel_header":{"channel_id":"'$CH_NAME'", "type":2}},"data":{"config_update":'$(cat config_update.json)'}}}' | jq . > config_update_in_envelope.json

configtxlator proto_encode --input config_update_in_envelope.json --type common.Envelope --output config_update_in_envelope.pb

Org1 signs the transaction:

peer channel signconfigtx -f config_update_in_envelope.pb

Set the environment variables as Org2:


export CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/peerOrganizations/org2.example.com/peers/peer0.org2.example.com/tls/ca.crt

export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/peerOrganizations/org2.example.com/users/Admin@org2.example.com/msp

export CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0.org2.example.com:7051

Org2 submits the config update transaction with its signature:

peer channel update -f config_update_in_envelope.pb -c $CH_NAME -o orderer.example.com:7050 --tls true --cafile $ORDERER_CA

Congratulations! You have now enabled the v1.2 capability.

Re-verify upgrade completion

Let’s make sure the network is still running by moving another 10 from a to b:

peer chaincode invoke -o orderer.example.com:7050  --tls --cafile $ORDERER_CA  -C $CH_NAME -n mycc -c '{"Args":["invoke","a","b","10"]}'

And then querying the value of a, which should reveal a value of 70. Let’s see:

peer chaincode query -C $CH_NAME -n mycc -c '{"Args":["query","a"]}'

We should see the following:

Query Result: 70


Although all peer binaries in the network should have been upgraded prior to this point, enabling capability requirements on a channel to which a v1.1.x peer is joined will result in a crash of the peer. This crashing behavior is deliberate because it indicates a misconfiguration which might result in a state fork.

Upgrading components BYFN does not support

Although this is the end of our update tutorial, there are other components that exist in production networks that are not supported by the BYFN sample. In this section, we’ll talk through the process of updating them.

Fabric CA container

To learn how to upgrade your Fabric CA server, click over to the CA documentation.

Upgrade Node SDK clients


Upgrade Fabric CA before upgrading Node SDK clients.

Use NPM to upgrade any Node.js client by executing these commands in the root directory of your application:

npm install fabric-client@1.2

npm install fabric-ca-client@1.2

These commands install the new version of both the Fabric client and Fabric-CA client and write the new versions package.json.

Upgrading the Kafka cluster

It is not required, but it is recommended that the Kafka cluster be upgraded and kept up to date along with the rest of Fabric. Newer versions of Kafka support older protocol versions, so you may upgrade Kafka before or after the rest of Fabric.

If you followed the Upgrading Your Network to v1.1 tutorial, your Kafka cluster should be at v1.0.0. If it isn’t, refer to the official Apache Kafka documentation on upgrading Kafka from previous versions to upgrade the Kafka cluster brokers.

Upgrading Zookeeper

An Apache Kafka cluster requires an Apache Zookeeper cluster. The Zookeeper API has been stable for a long time and, as such, almost any version of Zookeeper is tolerated by Kafka. Refer to the Apache Kafka upgrade documentation in case there is a specific requirement to upgrade to a specific version of Zookeeper. If you would like to upgrade your Zookeeper cluster, some information on upgrading Zookeeper cluster can be found in the Zookeeper FAQ.

Upgrading CouchDB

If you are using CouchDB as state database, you should upgrade the peer’s CouchDB at the same time the peer is being upgraded. Because both v1.1 and v1.2 ship with CouchDB v2.1.1, if you have followed the steps for Upgrading to v1.1, your CouchDB should be up to date.

Upgrade Chaincodes With vendored shim


The v1.1.0 shim is compatible with the v1.2 peer, but, it is still best practice to upgrade the chaincode shim to match the current level of the peer.

A number of third party tools exist that will allow you to vendor a chaincode shim. If you used one of these tools, use the same one to update your vendoring and re-package your chaincode.

If your chaincode vendors the shim, after updating the shim version, you must install it to all peers which already have the chaincode. Install it with the same name, but a newer version. Then you should execute a chaincode upgrade on each channel where this chaincode has been deployed to move to the new version.

If you did not vendor your chaincode, you can skip this step entirely.