Hyperledger fabric Client (HFC) SDK for Node.js

The Hyperledger fabric Client (HFC) SDK provides a powerful and easy to use API to interact with a Hyperledger fabric blockchain.

Below, you’ll find the following sections:

Installing only the SDK

If you are an experienced node.js developer and already have a blockchain environment set up and running elsewhere, you can set up a client-only environment to run the node.js client by installing the HFC node module as shown below. This assumes a minimum of npm version 2.11.3 and node.js version 0.12.7 are already installed.

  • To install the latest HFC module of Hyperledger fabric
npm install hfc


In order to transact on a Hyperledger fabric blockchain, you must first have an identity which has been both registered and enrolled with Membership Services. For a topological overview of how the components interact, see Application Developer’s Overview

Think of registration as issuing a user invitation to join a blockchain. It consists of adding a new user name (also called an enrollment ID) to the membership service configuration. This can be done programatically with the Member.register method, or by adding the enrollment ID directly to the membersrvc.yaml configuration file.

Think of enrollment as accepting a user invitation to join a blockchain. This is always done by the entity that will transact on the blockchain. This can be done programatically via the Member.enroll method.

HFC Objects

HFC is written primarily in typescript. The source can be found in the fabric/sdk/node/src directory. The reference documentation is generated automatically from this source code and can be found infabric/sdk/node/doc after building the project.

The following is a high-level description of the HFC objects (classes and interfaces) to help guide you through the object hierarchy.

  • Chain

This is the main top-level class which is the client’s representation of a chain. HFC allows you to interact with multiple chains and to share a single KeyValStore and MemberServices object with multiple chains if needed. For each chain, you add one or more Peer objects which represents the endpoint(s) to which HFC connects to transact on the chain. The second peer is used only if the first peer fails. The third peer is used only if both the first and second peers fail, etc.

  • KeyValStore

This is a very simple interface which HFC uses to store and retrieve all persistent data. This data includes private keys, so it is very important to keep this storage secure. The default implementation is a simple file-based version found in the FileKeyValStore class. If running in a clustered web application, you will need to either ensure that a shared file system is used, or you must implement your own KeyValStore that can be shared among all cluster members.

  • MemberServices

This is an interface representing Membership Services and is implemented by the MemberServicesImpl class. It provides security and identity related features such as privacy, unlinkability, and confidentiality. This implementation issues ECerts (enrollment certificates) and TCerts (transaction certificates). ECerts are for enrollment identity and TCerts are for transactions.

  • Member or User

The Member class most often represents an end User who transacts on the chain, but it may also represent other types of members such as peers. From the Member class, you can register and enroll members or users. This interacts with the MemberServices object. You can also deploy, query, and invoke chaincode directly, which interacts with the Peer. The implementation for deploy, query and invoke simply creates a temporary TransactionContext object and delegates the work to it.

  • TransactionContext

This class implements the bulk of the deploy, invoke, and query logic. It interacts with Membership Services to get a TCert to perform these operations. Note that there is a one-to-one relationship between TCert and TransactionContext. In other words, a single TransactionContext will always use the same TCert. If you want to issue multiple transactions with the same TCert, then you can get a TransactionContext object from a Member object directly and issue multiple deploy, invoke, or query operations on it. Note however that if you do this, these transactions are linkable, which means someone could tell that they came from the same user, though not know which user. For this reason, you will typically just call deploy, invoke, and query on the Member or User object.


HFC was designed to support two pluggable components:

  1. Pluggable KeyValStore key value store which is used to retrieve and store keys associated with a member. The key value store is used to store sensitive private keys, so care must be taken to properly protect access.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The default KeyValStore is file-based. If multiple instances of a web application run in a cluster, you must provide an implementation of the KeyValStore which is used by all members of the cluster.

  1. Pluggable MemberServices which is used to register and enroll members. Member services enables hyperledger to be a permissioned blockchain, providing security services such as anonymity, unlinkability of transactions, and confidentiality

Chaincode Deployment

‘net’ mode

To have the chaincode deployment succeed in network mode, you must properly set up the chaincode project outside of your Hyperledger fabric source tree to include all the golang dependencies such that when tarred up and sent to the peer, the peer will be able to build the chain code and then deploy it. The following instructions will demonstrate how to properly set up the directory structure to deploy chaincode_example02 in network mode.

The chaincode project must be placed under the $GOPATH/src directory. For example, the chaincode_example02 project should be placed under $GOPATH/src/ as shown below.

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/chaincode_example02/
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/chaincode_example02
curl GET https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyperledger/fabric/v0.6/examples/chaincode/go/chaincode_example02/chaincode_example02.go > chaincode_example02.go

After you have placed your chaincode project under the $GOPATH/src, you will need to vendor the dependencies. From the directory containing your chaincode source, run the following commands:

go get -u github.com/kardianos/govendor
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/chaincode_example02
govendor init
govendor fetch github.com/hyperledger/fabric

Now, execute go build to verify that all of the chaincode dependencies are present.

go build

‘dev’ mode

For deploying chaincode in development mode see Writing, Building, and Running Chaincode in a Development Environment The chaincode must be running and connected to the peer before issuing the deploy() from the Node.js application. The hfc chain object must be set to dev mode.


The deploy request must include the chaincodeName that the chaincode registered with the peer. The built-in chaincode example checks an environment variable CORE_CHAINCODE_ID_NAME=mycc when it starts.

var deployRequest = {
    chaincodeName: 'mycc',
    fcn: "init",
    args: ["a", "100", "b", "200"]

Enabling TLS

If you wish to configure TLS with the Membership Services server, the following steps are required:

  • Modify $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/membersrvc/membersrvc.yaml as follows:
          file: "/var/hyperledger/production/.membersrvc/tlsca.cert"
          file: "/var/hyperledger/production/.membersrvc/tlsca.priv"

To specify to the Membership Services (TLS) Certificate Authority (TLSCA) what X.509 v3 Certificate (with a corresponding Private Key) to use:

  • Modify $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/core.yaml as follows:
          enabled: true
              file: "/var/hyperledger/production/.membersrvc/tlsca.cert"

To configure the peer to connect to the Membership Services server over TLS (otherwise, the connection will fail).

  • Bootstrap your Membership Services and the peer. This is needed in order to have the file tlsca.cert generated by the member services.
  • Copy /var/hyperledger/production/.membersrvc/tlsca.cert to $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/sdk/node.

Note: If you cleanup the folder /var/hyperledger/production then don’t forget to copy again the tlsca.cert file as described above.


If you see errors stating that the client has already been registered/enrolled, keep in mind that you can perform the enrollment process only once, as the enrollmentSecret is a one-time-use password. You will see these errors if you have performed a user registration/enrollment and subsequently deleted the cryptographic tokens stored on the client side. The next time you try to enroll, errors similar to the ones below will be seen.

Error: identity or token do not match
Error: user is already registered

To address this, remove any stored cryptographic material from the CA server by following the instructions here. You will also need to remove any of the cryptographic tokens stored on the client side by deleting the KeyValStore directory. That directory is configurable and is set to /tmp/keyValStore within the unit tests.